Sep 24, 2014

Spirited Nae? haha

FINALLY making a come back to blogging!
Kids are back in school and I'm starting to get into the new swing of things!
Starting small here with a half shot, but will be doing my normal full pics again soon.
I'm also slowly working on a line of mesh T-shirts and Fingernail/Toenail designs for Slink. I just finished up my own custom hud design for them and am now putting together a few designs to release soon on Marketplace!
Thank you for being so patient with me!
<3 Lαđч

My Outfit

Hair - Lamb. Margaux - Red Pack

Accessories - DirtyStories. Lost Angel Wings.

Mouth - .Loud Mouth. - Brandee 

Top - DAPPA - Sweater - NARUTO