Apr 30, 2014

EB Awareness, Helping Set Pain Free

A little information on what EB is from http://www.niams.nih.gov/:
Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) is an illness that causes the skin to be fragile. Because the skin is so fragile, it can be easily injured, causing painful blisters to form. These blisters can cause serious problems if they become infected.
Some people with EB have a mild form of the disease with few blisters. For others, there may be many blisters on the skin. Some people develop blisters inside the body—in places such as the mouth, stomach, esophagus (the tube that allows food to move between the throat and stomach), bladder, and elsewhere.

My Outfit

Hat - Posy - Summer Hat (Part of Denim and Crochet Outfit)

Hair - Magika [01] Sudden

Head - Slink - Slink Visage Head Pack - Becky

Hands Slink - AvEnhance Hands Female - Casual

Accessories - [ glow ] studio - My darling earrings (gold/mint)
                 [ glow ] studio - My darling necklace (gold)  
                 *MIMOSA* Talie Watch Rose (TTS)

Nails - AlterEgo[cutesh!t] slink nail applier - pack10

Tattoo Letis Tattoo :: Luxure :: H14001 (Sleeves Only)

Outfit - Citrus - Womens TShirt Butterfly and Navy Mini
(ONLY Available for L$100 at the EB Awareness Event)

Shoes - *Reign.-Bow Wedge Flip Flops- Pink